Friday, August 1, 2014

Fukushima Radiation And How To Safely Remove It From Your Body

Japans Fukushima reactor, power plant and surrounding areas may never be safe at the rate TEPCO is taking in their failed attempts to contain the ongoing radiation leaks! The so-called ice wall is a bad joke that will never work to keep the radioactive poison from dumping into the groundwater and crops in Japan and into the Pacific Ocean! The Ice wall is a stall tactic to buy a year or two for TEPCO for their hope to keep the pressure off of them to delay those responsible from going to prison for gross negligence and crimes against humanity, which is where they should be already! 

Due to the continued dumping of millions and millions of gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean each and every day, anyone eating Pacific Ocean Fish or seafood that has a very good chance of being contaminated with radiation should be thinking very hard about doing a radiation and heavy metal detox with the natural mineral called Zeolite that has been proven to safely remove both radiation and heavy metals from the human body! For more information on removing radiation and heavy metals from the body see the website at 

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