Friday, August 1, 2014

Emergency Preparedness For Radiation Removal With Zeolite

This report explains the urgent benefits of storing and taking the natural mineral called zeolite to safely remove both radiation and toxic heavy metals from the human body after exposure to radiation and other toxins!

First of all folks, lets face the real facts about the world we live in! Natural disasters are on the rise, nuclear power plant companies have been and continue to be grossly negligent in the proper operation of the nuclear reactors that produce energy for the people they serve. The nuclear reactor meltdown disaster in Fukushima Japan continues years later as TEPCO the Japanese power company is still pumping millions of gallons of highly radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean each and every day as they attempt to keep their reactors still in full meltdown mode cool enough to prevent them from further explosions and more radioactive fallout. This in turn is radiating and poisoning the Pacific Ocean fish, sea life and all that eats it! New technology is allowing terrorism to penetrate deeper into countries around the world to cause great damage and loss of life before the terrorists can be caught and stopped. 

These problems are a very big deal but on top of all of this we now have Vladimir Putin in nuclear Russia attacking the country of Ukraine while the surrounding nations in the European Union and others around the world greatly worry that Putin will attack them next in his possible quest to follow the road that Napoleon took to conquer all of Europe! The mid-east continues to be a powder keg with and growing amount of suicide bombers now with factions and cells extended into Europe, Asia and the United States that are ready, willing and able to make their points clear by blowing themselves up while killing everyone they can around them! 

                     What People Are Doing To Protect Themselves From Radiation

People that are aware of the true political and environmental issues we now face as toxic radioactive isotopes and heavy metals increase in the environment around us while contaminating our ecosystems and bodies are taking steps to keep themselves and their families safe from present radioactive and heavy metal dangers while preparing (Prepping) for any future disasters that can possibly cause a large radiation and heavy metal release all at once! 

People are preparing for general disasters by stocking and storing amounts of emergency food, water and air filtration systems, biomass cooking stoves, needed medications while taking measures to protect what they own.  However when it comes to protecting themselves against radiation, radioactive releases and toxic heavy metals proper information is limited for the general public.  Many people do not understand how to properly detoxify themselves after being exposed to radiation. The fist thing people find is information on Potassium Iodide or Iodine! What they do not pay attention to or understand is that Potassium Iodide or Iodine must be taken before being exposed to radiation (NOT AFTER EXPOSURE)! Also these potassium products only protect the thyroid gland for a short 24-hour period of time. Continued doses of potassium Iodide or iodine can make you sick and it’s simply not affective if you have already been exposed to radiation in a release or if you have ingested radiation from the air you breathe, the food you eat or the water you drink.  Radiation and any heavy metals that often accompany radiation can cause damage to any organ in your body! The best plan for good health and wellbeing is to safely remove the radiation and heavy metals from your body!

            Why The Natural Radiation Detox Mineral Called Zeolite Is A Great Advantage 

Since potassium iodide or iodine does not remove radiation or heavy metals from the body after it has been radiated and contaminated it is important to find a safe detox that will do the proper job to detox the body of radiation and heavy metals both radiated and non radiated. There are a few natural method’s known to do this job and they include Spirulina, Chlorella, Reishi Mushrooms, Magnesium, Cilantro, Bentonite Clay and the natural mineral called Clinoptilolite, which is the proper type of zeolite, a natural mineral supplement for human consumption! 

All of these natural radiation and heavy metal detox sources will pull radiation and heavy metals from the body! However the negative part of detoxing with these natural detox methods (Zeolite Excluded) is they will allow much of the radiation and heavy metals pulled from the body to be reabsorbed back into the body before being able to separate and totally remove the radiation and heavy metals from the body! When this happens and the contaminates are reabsorbed into the body the person doing the detox will often have a reaction that will make them feel ill while doing the detox! This reaction is called a Herxheimer Reaction, which is also known as a healing crisis. The truth is that any kind of crisis is not really a good thing!

This Herxheimer reaction of feeling sick when detoxing is unnecessary when using zeolite to detox because zeolite has the unique ability to bond and hold onto the radiation and heavy metals into and onto its cage like structure without re-releasing any of the radiation and heavy metals back into the body while detoxing! This is a big advantage when using zeolite to safely remove both radiation and heavy metals from the body!  Clinoptilolite Zeolite is best used as a micronized powder that is tasteless and can be easily mixed and taken with juice or water without any negative side effects.  When searching for the proper zeolite, make sure that it is the medical grade mold free Clinoptilolite type for human consumption and not a lower grade of zeolite that has been mined for industrial or agricultural use that is being passed off for human consumption. 

Anyone living close to a nuclear power plant or if you are living a prepper lifestyle with the desire to be ready and able to stay healthy after any kind of radiation release event should store enough Clinoptilolite zeolite to detox the entire family! If you feel that you have already been exposed to radiation and or heavy metals and you want to do a detox to remove them from your body a proper zeolite detox will be your best choice. For more information on detoxing radiation and toxic heavy metals with zeolite see the website at 

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